domingo, 7 de setembro de 2014

Help West Africa

Help West Africa stopped the Ebola Outbreak.

The Ebola outbreak is a serious problem occurring in the West Africa and the idea to stop the flights to there could be a mistake. Ebola can became a global epidemic if this decision did not change. In Time Web Site, in the article "Window to Stop Ebola Outbreak Is "Closing Quickly", Official Warns" by Alexandra Sifferlin, she alert us about the idea to stop the flights the flights to West Africa. "will only worsen the outbreak by cutting off access to needed supplies".

The idea to stopped this flights just will make the situation worst, the country of West Africa like Guinea, Liberia and Sierra Leone, needs help and stopped the flights to there is not a help. This decision are isolate this country and if this continuous the Ebola outbreak will continue to killing in Africa and can disperse for other parts of the world. I thinks its necessary stop the commercial flights to there, not all the flights. Some affects areas are remote and flights it is necessary to help this people. Flights to send food, clear water, medicines and other things this people need could not stop and must continue.

To help this people and avoid this outbreak goes to other places and  become the most mortal outbreak in the word, the goverments for all countries in the Earth have to send donations and stop the outbreak while we have this chance.

If the government continues to isolate the West Africa, probably we will lose the control of Ebola outbreak. 

Map of West Africa

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